Clarification Of Power Up Procedure And Power Icon On The PLC Tools SIM-ALP2 And SIM-IPE

The Cancel button doubles as the power button on the SIM-ALP2 and SIM-IPE

Recently we have received some questions regarding SIM-ALP2 and SIM-IPE power up functionality.

We thought that we share the answers with all customers.


What is a proper way to Power On and Power Off SIM-ALP2 and SIM-IPE?


The devices should be powered On by a single short press of the "Cancel" Key.

 Device will start in about 1 second.

It's not necessary to hold the "Cancel" key.

The device can be powered Off by holding "Cancel" key for 3 seconds.


Can you explain what the Power Icon  means?

Is there a button or indicator behind it?


The "Power Icon" is located above the "Cancel" key indicates that the "Cancel" Key has dual functionality:

  1. Cancel Navigation

  2. Power On/Off

There is no button or LED indicator behind the Power Icon